J21 尺八 SHAKUHACHI Flûte de bambou 前半 福田輝久 杵屋子邦
Added 108.2k Views / 0 Likes尺八奏者、福田輝久さんと妻の三味線奏者、杵屋子邦(きねやしほう)さんの活動拠点であるフランス向けのプロモーション映像(モノクロバージョン)平成22年1月27日、茅野市民館内のマルチホールにおいて収録Shakuhachi, shamisen player Hukuda Teruhisa and his wife, Kineya SHIHO promotional video's base of operations for the French (black and white version)Januar
J22 尺八 SHAKUHACHI Flûte de bambou 後半 福田輝久 杵屋子邦
Added 4,966 Views / 0 Likes尺八奏者、福田輝久さんと妻の三味線奏者、杵屋子邦(きねやしほう)さんの活動拠点であるフランス向けのプロモーション映像(モノクロバージョン)平成22年1月27日、茅野市民館内のマルチホールにおいて収録尺八奏者、福田輝久さんと妻の三味線奏者、杵屋子邦(きねやしほう)さんの活動拠点であるフランス向けのプロモーション映像(モノクロバージョン)平成22年1月27日、茅野市民館内のマルチホールにおいて収録Shakuhachi, shamisen player Hukuda Teruhisa and his wife,
Omae Shakuhachi solo by Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin
Added 1,881 Views / 0 LikesOmae(Special Angel) is a lamentation on the pain, loneliness, and rage we feel when a relationship we thought would last, ends. First we let go of our plans, then our expectations, and finally, worst of all, our hopes and dreams.
Kyorei Shakuhachi solo by Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin
Added 1,598 Views / 0 LikesIn the Tang Dynasty in China, Fuke-Zenji often walked the streets ringing a bell. After his death his disciples composed this honkyoku to express their yearning for their master. It was later transmitted to Japan. "Kyorei" means the bell that is the sound
Koku Shakuhachi solo by Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin
Added 1,324 Views / 0 LikesKoku, or "Bell ringing in the Empty Sky" is one of the three oldest honkyoku. It is said to have been composed after the death of the Zen monk Fuke-Zenji, patriarch of the shakuhachi, who in life is supposed to have walked around ringing a small hand-bell
Mukaiji Shakuhachi solo by Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin
Added 1,470 Views / 0 LikesMukaiji, or "Fog, Sea, Flute" is also one of the three oldest honkyoku pieces. It is said that this piece was composed about 700 years ago by the monk Kichiku, who dreamed he was on a small boat in the open sea in the middle of a thick white fog. While on
Phoenix Moon
Added 1,348 Views / 0 LikesKurt Nyoshun Findeisen on shakuhachi. Performed live at the Tenri Cultural Institute during the Ki Sui An shakuhachi dojo's annual Master's Recital.
Futaiken Reibo
Added 1,441 Views / 0 LikesDan Nyohaku Soergel on shakuhachi. Performed live at the Tenri Cultural Institute during the Ki Sui An shakuhachi dojo's annual Master's Recital.
Added 1,720 Views / 0 LikesAllen Nyoshin Steir on shakuhachi. Performed live at the Tenri Cultural Institute during the Ki Sui An shakuhachi dojo's annual Master's Recital.
Jinbo Sanya
Added 1,329 Views / 0 Likes"Guest Artist" Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin on shakuhachi. Performed live at the Tenri Cultural Institute during the Ki Sui An shakuhachi dojo's annual Master's Recital. Welcome back Ronnie!
Mukaiji - Yodo Kurahashi II
Added 1,547 Views / 0 LikesYodo Kurahashi II performs Mukaiji at the Tenri Cultural Institute.Recorded on January 23, 2010 using a Flip UltraHD.
Shikyoku - Yodo Kurahashi II
Added 1,487 Views / 0 LikesYodo Kurahashi II performs Shikyoku on shakuhachi with Tomoko Inaba on marimba at the Tenri Cultural Institute on January 23rd, 2010 in NYC.I apologize, but it was necessary to edit out the first two minute marimba introduction in order to fit YouTube's 1
Kumoijishi - Yodo Kurahashi II
Added 2,090 Views / 0 LikesYodo Kurahashi II performs Kumoijishi, January 23, 2010 at the Tenri Cultural Institute in NYC.
Voyage of Life: Childhood
Added 1,209 Views / 0 LikesRonnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin performs movement one - Childhood from his composition The Voyage of Life inspired by Thomas Cole's 4 painting series of the same name.
Voyage of Life: Youth
Added 1,274 Views / 0 LikesRonnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin performs movement two - Youth from his composition The Voyage of Life inspired by Thomas Cole's 4 painting series of the same name.
Voyage of Life: Manhood
Added 1,423 Views / 0 LikesRonnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin performs movement three - Manhood from his composition The Voyage of Life inspired by Thomas Cole's 4 painting series of the same name.
Voyage of Life: Old Age
Added 1,384 Views / 0 LikesRonnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin performs movement four - Old Age from his composition The Voyage of Life inspired by Thomas Cole's 4 painting series of the same name.
Rodrigo Rodriguez - This Time to the West - Rodrigo Rodriguez (Shakuhachi)
Added 1,294 Views / 0 LikesAlbum: Traditional and Modern Pieces Shakuhachi Track 4 : This Time to the West released 2012
Rodrigo Rodriguez - Shika no Tône (Kinko Ryû)
Added 1,177 Views / 0 LikesThis is one of the most famous Kinko Ryu Honkyoku pieces. In addition, the Japanese Ministry of Education decided to use this piece in their musical textbooks. "Shika No Tohne" describes a scene in deep autumn when the voice of the male deer calls for his
Rodrigo Rodriguez - 高崖の下に (Beneath High Cliffs)
Added 1,164 Views / 0 LikesMusic for two Shakuhachi. Recorded in 2011. Ristu scale (This piece of music its on Ritsu scale , fundamental to Chinese and Korean music,its utilized in gagaku and Shomyo,as well as in certain koto tunnings)
Rodrigo Rodriguez - Sagari Ha (Nezasa Ha) - Rodrigo Rodriguez
Added 1,507 Views / 0 LikesSagari Ha (Falling leaves) The Japanese characters used to depict this title are "sagaru" . ("fallen" or "falling") and "ha" ("leaves"). The song is easily recognizable because of the sasabuki blowing technique used frequently by the Nezasa sect of shakuh
Rodrigo Rodriguez - Concert Karate Ceremony Competition - Shakuhachi flute
Added 1,467 Views / 0 LikesRodrigo Rodriguez playing the shakuhachi flute at Karate Ceremony Competition,Spain.
Rodrigo Rodriguez - Honshirabe
Added 1,522 Views / 0 Likes17 march concert at Fundacio Casa del Tibet-Barcelona. Honshirabe "H onshirabe" literally means "basic melody". The technical and mental approaches to this piece represent the basic building blocks of shakuhachi honkyoku. It is said that some monks played
Rodrigo Rodriguez - Rodrigo Rodriguez - Shakuhachi concert Fundacio Casa del Tibet
Added 1,843 Views / 1 Likes17 march - Shakuhachi concert by Rodrigo Rodriguez Fundacio Casa del Tibet - Barcelona Pray for Japan music composed and dedicated to the victims of Japan.
Rodrigo Rodriguez - Rodrigo Rodriguez "Across the East"
Added 1,361 Views / 0 LikesMusic for Shakuhachi flute and Guitar.