Flautas Mexicanas - Aztec Mexica Style Death Whistles 5/28/10 with colored glaze
Added 1,193 Views / 0 Likes -
Flautas Mexicanas - Large Mayan Aztec Style Double Flutes 5/21/10
Added 1,290 Views / 0 LikesThese are two flutes that were recently made and are available. One is F# on playing side and C# on drone and the other is F on playing side and C on drone which is a bit lower. I kept them simple because they were somewhat an experiment with the mouth pi
Flautas Mexicanas - New Double Flutes and Death Whistles for Sound Healing, Ceremony or Presentation
Added 1,813 Views / 0 LikesNew flutes some of you have been waiting for
Flautas Mexicanas - Aztec Sytle Death Whistle Replicas based on new studies
Added 1,304 Views / 0 Likes -
Flautas Mexicanas - Xochi In Cuicatl Three Flute Players
Added 1,081 Views / 0 LikesThis is a song Tema, Michael Quijas and I (Xochicuauhtli) performed at the Mexica New Year Dinner.
Flautas Mexicanas - Aztec Mayan Style Death Whistles in Skull and Shell Forms
Added 1,168 Views / 0 Likes -
Flautas Mexicanas - Aztec Style High Pitch Flutes base on new studies
Added 1,500 Views / 0 LikesHere are a new set of high pitch 4 and 5 hole flutes that I have available on 4/10/10. Thanks for your interest. I will qoute you the prices if interested in a particular flute.
Flautas Mexicanas - Aztec Style Tezcatlipoca Death Whistle Skull and Blade
Added 1,305 Views / 0 LikesThis is the first in a new series of masks that I will be making to list on Ebay. This one is currently listed on Ebay and sounds great. Very low price. Listed under Aztec Style Tezcatlipoca Death Whistle Skull and Blade.
Flautas Mexicanas - New Aztec/Mayan Death Whistles and Tezcatlipoca Skull Mask
Added 1,588 Views / 0 LikesThese are a new batch of death whistles and a Tezcatlipoca Mask. The green one is 40, (in order) the the next 2 are 35 and the fourth one is 30. The small white one is 25 and the geen one is 20. The tezcatlipoca mask has not been fired yet, but will be av
Flautas Mexicanas - Aztec Mayan Style Clay Double Flute with Skulls
Added 1,228 Views / 0 LikesThis is a Double Flute in the Aztec Mayan Style. I give it a grade of B in sound quality.
Flautas Mexicanas - Death Whistle Silbato de Muerte Aztec Mayan Instrument
Added 1,349 Views / 0 LikesThis is a death whistle that I made. It has a screaming type voice.
Flautas Mexicanas - Mayan Trumpet Hom Tah Agave Didgeridoo Pre Columbian Instrument
Added 1,487 Views / 0 LikesThis is a smaller version of the Hom Tahs that I have been making. I plan on making more in the future if interested in one.
Flautas Mexicanas - Teotihuacan Style Double Flute with Death Whistle in key of E minor and drone 1/
Added 1,294 Views / 0 LikesThis is a new large double flute in a kinda Teotihuacan style design. It hasn't been ready yet. But it will get used for it's first ceremony which will take place at the Stanford University Native American Pow Wow coming up this Mother's Day weekend. I ho
Flautas Mexicanas - Death Whistle A+1
Added 1,163 Views / 0 LikesThis is an awesome sounding death whistle that is listed on Ebay right now. Look up death whistle.
Flautas Mexicanas - Mayan Trumpet Hom Tah Agave Trumpet 5/23/10
Added 1,442 Views / 0 LikesThis is a video intented to show a person who commisioned a Mayan Trumpet Hom Tah. This one is made of avave and is related to those made of gourds. He will pick one, as he has paid already, and the other would be available. I took the time to introduce s
Flautas Mexicanas - Double Clay Aztec Style Flute with Vibrating Sound Quality
Added 1,500 Views / 0 LikesThis is a new type of flute that I am starting to make. The interesting thing about this one is that it tends to have a shrill type sound when you play some notes. That vibrating type sound is not me manipulating my breath pattern at all; rather, the cons
Flautas Mexicanas - Hom Tah Huey Acatl Agave didgeridoo Mayan Trumpet Tropeta Maya
Added 1,329 Views / 0 LikesThis is the large Hom Tah/Mayan Trumpet that I made about a year ago. I have been using this one at various presentations and ceremonies like at UC Berkeley, Mexica New Year and Stanford University next week. I very much a beginner in being able to play t
Flautas Mexicanas - Death whistle Aztec Mayan Instrument Awesome sound A+.
Added 1,567 Views / 0 LikesThis is one the the oustanding whistles of the bunch I make. Each have their unique sound. But some sound very human like and have interesting changes in sound.
Flautas Mexicanas - Aztec Music and Dance Xochicuauhtli Double Flute
Added 1,202 Views / 0 LikesThis is music and dance at Dia de Los Muertos. Calpulli Tonalehqueh.
Flautas Mexicanas - Aztec Mayan Music at the Aztec Mexica New Year Xavier Quijas Yxayotl Aztec Dance
Added 1,361 Views / 0 LikesThis is a video at the year of the house Aztec Mexica New year on the Sunday of that weekend. Tonio on the teponatzli and I (Xochicuauhlti aka Mexicaguy) on the drum (huehuetl) are accompaning the greatly respected and honored Xavier Quijas Yxayotl. The d