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1 05:16
Pinkuyllu (Cusco) - Pinkuyllu y Charango Caneño-Música de Chiaraje y Carnavales
109.5k Views / 0 LikesProducción: Angel y Humberto Antonio Romero Pacheco. Este video nuevamente muestra música y nuestras expresiones vernáculas tradicionales, algunas melodías del presente film son inéditas y están siendo interpretadas en su contexto original campesino rural
3 15:23
J21 尺八 SHAKUHACHI Flûte de bambou 前半 福田輝久 杵屋子邦
108.1k Views / 0 Likes尺八奏者、福田輝久さんと妻の三味線奏者、杵屋子邦(きねやしほう)さんの活動拠点であるフランス向けのプロモーション映像(モノクロバージョン)平成22年1月27日、茅野市民館内のマルチホールにおいて収録Shakuhachi, shamisen player Hukuda Teruhisa and his wife, Kineya SHIHO promotional video's base of operations for the French (black and white version)Januar
4 05:23
Pablo Salcedo -- Protecting the Animals (Protegiendo a los Animales)
107.4k Views / 1 Likes"Protecting the Animals" meditation with bansuri and tampura dedicated by Pablo to people who love and care for all animals in the world. Included in "Soul Healing Sounds" album (2013) "Protegiendo a los Animales" meditación con bansuri y tampura d
5 05:03
Pablo Salcedo - Pablo Salcedo "Perceiving something beautiful" - Live (ocarina)
9,249 Views / 3 LikesPablo playing"Perceiving something beautiful" - Live (ocarina)"Percibiendo algo hermoso" - En vivo (ocarina) Live at I World Flutes Festival.Mendoza - Argentina2009
6 02:07
Nikolay Doktorov - Nikolay Doktorov at I World Flutes Festival
8,567 Views / 1 LikesNikolay Doktorov playing kaval at I World Flutes Festival.Mendoza - Argentina 2009 Official web site: http://www.worldflutesfestival.orghttp://www.flautasdelmundo.orgFacebook page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/World-Flutes-Festival/20794830610
7 09:25
Conjunto SIKURI Cemduc - Conjunto SIKURI Cemduc at I World Flutes Festival
6,967 Views / 2 LikesConjunto SIKURI Cemduc (Peru) at I World Flutes Festival. Mendoza - Argentina 2009
8 06:15
Joaquin Loayza - Joaquin Loayza at I World Flutes Festival
5,633 Views / 0 LikesJoaquin Loayza (Bolivia) playing quena at I World Flutes Festival. Mendoza - Argentina. 2009
9 05:15
B. Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances. Flute: Anna-Majlinda Spiro, Piano: Amir Xhakoviq
5,068 Views / 0 LikesB. Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances. Flute: Anna-Majlinda Spiro, Piano: Amir XhakoviqThis piece was performed in the National Opera of Tirana (Albania) on 28 March 2013. To watch the full concert please go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCGuniEHKsg
10 12:54
J22 尺八 SHAKUHACHI Flûte de bambou 後半 福田輝久 杵屋子邦
4,951 Views / 0 Likes尺八奏者、福田輝久さんと妻の三味線奏者、杵屋子邦(きねやしほう)さんの活動拠点であるフランス向けのプロモーション映像(モノクロバージョン)平成22年1月27日、茅野市民館内のマルチホールにおいて収録尺八奏者、福田輝久さんと妻の三味線奏者、杵屋子邦(きねやしほう)さんの活動拠点であるフランス向けのプロモーション映像(モノクロバージョン)平成22年1月27日、茅野市民館内のマルチホールにおいて収録Shakuhachi, shamisen player Hukuda Teruhisa and his wife,
11 05:06
Tadashi Tajima - flauta Shakuhachi
4,691 Views / 1 LikesLa flauta Shakuhachi actual se deriva de las flautas utilizadas por los monjes de la secta Fuke del Budismo Zen en el siglo XVII, como parte de su entrenamiento como monjes. Su nombre significa: "shaku" un pie japonés; "hachi", ocho. Esta es la medida del
12 05:03
14 06:30
3,743 Views / 0 LikesEnsemble CANAVISIUM MOYEN AGE ANNA CUCULO, attrice PAOLO LOVA, liuti DANIELE MONTAGNER, flauti in bambù TIZIANO NIZZIA, symphonia-armonium-percussioni
15 04:16
E. Grieg: Solveig's Song. Flute: Anna-Majlinda Spiro, Piano: Amir Xhakoviq
3,636 Views / 0 LikesThis piece was performed in the National Opera of Tirana (Albania) on 28 March 2013. Flute: Anna-Majlinda SpiroPiano: Amir XhakoviqTo follow the full concert please go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCGuniEHKsg.
16 05:33
Ç. Zadeja: Epic Improvisation. Flute: Anna-Majlinda Spiro, Piano: Amir Xhakoviq
3,329 Views / 0 LikesThis piece has been performed in the National Opera of Tirana (Albania) on 28 March 2013. To watch the full concert please go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCGuniEHKsg.
17 06:19
Gordan Tudor - Stribor Says... by Zagreb Flute Ensemble
3,268 Views / 0 LikesGordan Goran Tudor - Stribor says za devet flauta (praizvedba) Zagrebački ansambl flauta / Zagreb Flute Ensemble Live recording from "Stribor says..." concer...
18 03:42
Ph. Gaubert: Madrigal. Flute: Anna-Majlinda Spiro, Piano: Amir Xhakoviq
3,268 Views / 0 LikesThis piece has been performed in the National Opera of Tirana (Albania) on 28 March 2013. To watch the full concert please go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCGuniEHKsg
19 03:13
G. Fauré: Sicilienne. Flute: Anna-Majlinda Spiro, Piano: Amir Xhakoviq
3,246 Views / 0 LikesThis piece has been performed in the National Opera of Tirana (Albania) on 28 March 2013. To watch the full concert please go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCGuniEHKsgTh e concert was part of the events of the Greek Cultural Spring in Albania, organi
20 04:12
Wiracocha Kamayoc und die Ayllu Ensemble
3,213 Views / 0 LikesWiracocha Kamayoc is a Peruvian Shaman that plays Musik Intuitive, many instruments will be used in his musik ....Instruments that were found in different cultures in Peru so what sometimes we hear are musik instruments that where made almost 6 ,ooo years
21 06:37
Stolen Moments
3,154 Views / 0 LikesThese samples are strictly for educational and demonstration purposes only and are not for sale. Jamey Aebersold Jazz Play -A -Long "jazz flute" jazz flutist
22 03:46
A poética do Sopro e das Percussões
3,032 Views / 0 LikesDialogos de Flautas e Percussões, textos poéticos, literarios e filosoficosTrata-se de um Recital/Vivência de Arteterapia Musical Transdisciplinar que se propõe a criar diferentes paisagens sonoras utilizando Flautas de várias culturas e Percussões étnica
24 05:01
2,696 Views / 1 LikesEnsemble CANAVISIUM MOYEN AGE ANNA CUCULO, attrice PAOLO LOVA, liuti DANIELE MONTAGNER, flauti in bambù TIZIANO NIZZIA, symphonia-armonium-percussioni
26 06:15
GUEMBPACT "Lala Aïcha" live au Hangar de la Cépière (31)
2,614 Views / 0 LikesLe groupe GUEMBPACT présente "Lala Aïcha" live au Hangar de la Cépière les 8 et 9 Mai 2014Christophe « Robi » ROHRBACHER : Guembri, flûtes traversières, chantRoser LOSCOS : Violon, chœursLaura MUJICA : ChantPaul GOILLOT : Guembri, Flûte ney, clavier, Qraq
27 04:24
hulusi and koudi - Traditional Chinese Music Instruments - Baltica 2006
2,564 Views / 0 LikesLjaoninas tautas mākslas trupas dalībnieki festivālā Baltica 2006 demonstrē ķīniešu tautas mūzikas intrumentus. Dāma pa kreisi spēlē erhu — ķīniešu vijoli, dāma pa labi — strinkšķināmu mūzikas instrumentu, ko sauc pipa. Pūšamo instrumentu speciālists visp
28 02:16
Mohammad Mousavi - Persian Ney - Mohammad Mousavi
2,491 Views / 0 LikesPersian Ney Master(Ostad Mohammad Mousavi).Ostade Neye Haft Bande Irani(Ostad Mohammad Mousavi)Dar Talare Vahdate Tehran.Beshno In Ney Chon Shekayat Mikonad,Az Jodaiha Hekayat Mikonad(Molavi).بشنو این نی چون شکایت میکند.از جداییها حکایت میکند.مولوی
29 01:54
Valentin Chocobar - Erquencho - erkencho
2,475 Views / 0 LikesValentin Chocobar tocando erquencho y caja
30 06:56
Fernando Barragán - Como construir 1 Siku
2,374 Views / 3 LikesDescripción de los pasos para fabricar un SIKU o ZAMPOÑA o ANTARA.Sobre Challa de caña CHUQUI y basado en las técnicas heredadas por el tayta Pascual Quispe y don Juan Achá Campos (mis maestros de Siku-Luriri y de luthería).Fue compaginado en la época de
31 07:22
Chau do Pife
2,374 Views / 1 LikesChau do Pife, um dos nossos mais respeitados mestres do pífano.José Prudente de Almeida, recebeu o apelido de Chau, quando adolescente, no município de Boca da Mata, interior de Alagoas, e ao começar a tocar o pífano ou pife, foi batizado de Chau do PifeV
32 06:28
2,340 Views / 0 LikesJuanito makande y la banda formal tocando sueña en chaouen
33 04:07
Zamba del Awayu. MARKAMA. En vivo Festival Jesús María 2012
2,255 Views / 0 LikesZamba del Awayu. MARKAMA. En vivo Festival Jesús María 2012 Composición: Archi Zambrano Quena cromática: Pablo Salcedo, Guitarras: Horacio Martínez y Archi Zambrano, Bajo: Gabriel Narváez, Batería: Mingo Ca
34 06:01
Cueca Larga. Markama y Orquesta Filarmónica de Mendoza
2,230 Views / 0 LikesCueca Larga. Markama y Orquesta Filarmónica de Mendoza Pablo Salcedo: quena, Archi Zambrano: charango, Mingo Casciani: Bateria, Pablo Guzzo: bajo
35 04:21
Emmanuel Pahud - Ibert- Piece for flute solo, Pahud
2,110 Views / 0 LikesJacques Ibert - Piece for flute soloPlayed by Emmanuel Pahud
36 05:28
Kumoijishi - Yodo Kurahashi II
2,083 Views / 0 LikesYodo Kurahashi II performs Kumoijishi, January 23, 2010 at the Tenri Cultural Institute in NYC.
38 02:16
dizi flute - Buzz /Dizi Headjoint for Boehm Flute, Demo
2,071 Views / 0 LikesDemo of my buzzing headjoint for the modern flute--a fusion of the traditional Chinese flute sound with the versatility of the Boehm scale and mechanism. The headjoint has a wooden embochure plate and two wooden chimneys, called "di-kong". The holes on th
39 07:33
Asurr Amalia Castila - Asurr
2,062 Views / 3 LikesASURR es el resultado de la fusión de dos espacios geográficos, de dos culturas, de dos ritmos musicales. El Sur de América y el Sur de Europa, engranados a la perfección en una propuesta musical única. El envolvente sonido de la música andina, representa
40 10:10
James Galway - CARMEN FANTASY : Bizet Borne
2,056 Views / 0 LikesJames Galway In Concert With Phillip Moll At HAREWOOD HOUSE 1989
41 00:57
Veso Hasabaliev - Bulgarian kaval - Veso Hasabaliev at the Academy
2,040 Views / 0 LikesVeso Hasabaliev is a kaval and gaida maker from Haskovo, Bulgaria.http://kavalibg.com/index.htmlFilmed during the seminar at the Academy of music in Plovdiv.
43 03:48
Pablo Salcedo - Beyond Thoughts
1,970 Views / 6 LikesFrom Pablo Salcedo´s album "Beyond Thoughts". Americanto 2004 I Prize "Best folk artist" y TRIMARG 2005 Prize(Argentinian Music Tribune): "Ethnic and folk fusion music"
Pinkuyllu, Cuzco - Pinkuyllu, Cuzco
1,962 Views / 0 LikesApulaya - Center for Andean Music & Art: Ritual song from Chumbivilcas, Cusco - Peru.
45 01:57
dizi flute - How to fix dimo, flute membrane (with english subtitles)
1,953 Views / 0 LikesThe video shows how you fix the dimo onto a Chinese Bamboo flute with Erjiao. An update of the earlier video with English subtitles.
48 04:30
Patrick Gallois - Patrick Gallois: Benjamin Godard's Suite De Trois Morceaux Op.116
1,889 Views / 0 LikesOrchestre Du Festival De Musique De Chambre De Paris : VERSAILLES CONCERT 1986
49 06:04
Bapu Padmanabha - Bansuri Raag Sohani
1,882 Views / 0 LikesNorth Indian Classical Music recited on Bamboo Flute Bansuri by Bapu Padmanabha,he performed Raag Sohani...Meditating and Relaxing mood...
50 05:01
Omae Shakuhachi solo by Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin
1,876 Views / 0 LikesOmae(Special Angel) is a lamentation on the pain, loneliness, and rage we feel when a relationship we thought would last, ends. First we let go of our plans, then our expectations, and finally, worst of all, our hopes and dreams.